Can You Rewrite the Rewrite we Rewrote with AI?

Here's a quick glimpse of my 18-month arc with AI as a professional writer:(April 2023): "Dave, are you worried about AI taking away your writing work?" "We'll see what happens." (November 2024): "Dave, are you available to help rewrite the copy we wrote and rewrote using AI? It reads like...

Self-Portrait at 36

This is a good bag I say out loud to myself, alone. I’m cleaning out my coat pockets which I try to do at least once a month but don't always get around to. I don't know what I do those months when I don't clean out my pockets. Or...


I love the idea of talking to birds on the bench at noon with my sack lunch and newspaper beside me. It wouldn’t be the most impractical thing I did today, talking to birds, but it would be up there. It’s early, so who knows. After the birds I have to get...

The time you were born

Bell-rung drunk you dread the morning. The truck that collects bottles in the lot out your window is always on time again.The bathroom light casts halos on various proceedings, providing a sudden let’s-see-what's-happening-here momentum. Is this a blurred effigy or vision? You reach and paw at shadows, tenderly confused. [Read previous non sequitur]...

About being human

About the small lines of your mouth and feet, your eyes eyeing the far side of the lighthouse where we carry our poor ideas of burial scrap. We say goodbye, farewell, not knowing the river's end. How un-adjusted we are at inopportune times, even when every organ has a brain, our bodies these singsongs of minds.  ...
